I model resilience and transformation in agri-food systems.
I am an interdisciplinary researcher with experience using various quantitative and
qualitative methods to examine sustainability in agriculture.
I am interested in exploring how food systems can transition to become
more sustainable and equitable in the face of global change.
From March 2024 to January 2025 I worked as an Environmental Modeller & Researcher
at Climate Farmers.
As part of the Science team, I developed methodologies for quantifying carbon sequestration
in regenerative farms.
From August 2021 to February 2024 I worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Environmental Geography Group at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.
My research focused on understanding the networks of actors that impact European agriculture,
and the power relations embedded in their interactions.
In 2021, I graduated with a PhD in Industrial & Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan.
In my dissertation I used agent-based modelling to examine strategies for building resilience in smallholder agricultural systems.
My postdoctoral research builds on this prior experience by transitioning to a European context and a larger scale of analysis.
Please use the links below to view my Twitter, Linked In, Google Scholar, and Github accounts.
I also (very) occasionally make blog posts on this site. You can see these under the "Blog" link in the site's header.