Tim Williams

Measuring Urban Accessibility An accurate and scalable approach

Accessibility is an important indicator of both the livability and sustainability of a city.  For this project we have developed an approach for quantifying urban accessibility (to healthcare, green spaces, schools, supermarkets and other points of interest). Our approach measures proximity at the parcel level and does not depend on any subjectively-defined "access thresholds". By utilizing readily-available public data and open-source routing algorithms, our approach is also readily scalable.

For more information, read our short article on the Adapting Cities website and see our published paper here.

Food Security in Ethiopia A household-level model

This project involves the development of an agent-based model (ABM) to explore issues of rural poverty and development in Ethiopia. The ABM will model the decision-making process of individual households, allowing us to explore household-level food security and wealth under a variety of scenarios.